Care more than some think is wise. Risk more than some think is safe. Dream more than some think is practical. Expect more than some think is possible. -The Missionary Heart

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

An Advantage of Your Non-Dominant Hand

As I was browsing my iGoogle page, I clicked on the news module and stumbled upon an article which discussed a study done by researchers of the University of Southern California. Apparently, one way to cut down on overeating is to eat with your non-dominant hand. 

The study put participants in a dark movie theatre to watch a series of movie trailers. The participants had easy access to both fresh and stale popcorn. When the researchers compared the amount of popcorn eaten with the non-dominant versus dominant hand, the amount of stale popcorn eaten was 30% lower when the participants used their non-dominant hand. The amount of fresh popcorn eaten didn't change significantly.

The study also looked at whether the environment affected the amount of food eaten. The participants were also placed in a darkened meeting room and watched a slideshow, again with popcorn close at hand. The researchers found that less popcorn of both stale and fresh varieties was eaten in the meeting room than in the theatre.

Now, this really doesn't have much to do with gluten free eating, I just thought it was an interesting idea. After all, even if you are being healthy by eating gluten free, it won't do much for you if you can't control how much gluten free food you put in your mouth.

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